

Black mulberry


Botanical name: Morus nigra



The mulberry tree originated in Western Asia. Today it can be found in tropical or subtropical countries as a shade or fruit tree. It grows only in areas of Germany that have a warmer climate.



Black mulberries are not available in the regular fruit trade in Germany, mainly because they are very delicate and difficult to transport. Now and then they can be bought from direct marketers, but otherwise they can be got only by growing them oneself.


Appearance, taste, characteristics

Black mulberries look like elongated blackberries. They are dark-red to almost black and taste tangy and aromatic.
In addition to the black mulberries there are also red (Morus rubra) and white (Morus alba) ones that are also edible. The white mulberries serve chiefly as a food plant for the caterpillars of the silkworm moth.




100 g contain:


Mulberry, fresh

Energy (kcal)


Water (g)


Protein (g)


Fat (g)


Carbohydrates (g)


Fibre (g)


Vitamin C (mg)


Vitamin A (RE) (µg)


Folic acid (µg)


Potassium (mg)


Sodium (mg)


Calcium (mg)


Magnesium (mg)


Iron (mg)



Quality criteria, optimal storage conditions

Be careful to harvest ripe fruits. Overripe fruits are mushy, while those harvested too early are hard and bitter. Mulberries do not need to be picked; they fall from the tree themselves when they are ripe. It is best to spread cloths under the tree and to shake the tree lightly. The fruits can be kept in the refrigerator for about 2 days.


Form of consumption, use, processing, practical tips for preparation

Mulberries taste good both raw and further processed. Before you eat them, you should wash them thoroughly, but carefully. Jam, jelly or juice can be made from them. They are also suitable for making alcoholic drinks. Because mulberry juice has an intensive colour it is used as a food colouring. The bark of the mulberry tree is also used to make dye.



- In Afghanistan and Iran mulberries are an important component of the daily diet.
- Watch out for stains! The juice of mulberries is vividly coloured.
- In the 18th century, Friedrich II promoted the cultivation of white mulberry trees in Prussia; the Maulbeerallee (Mulberry Avenue) in Potsdam is a reminder of this.






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