



Synonym: tree tomato

Botanical name: Cyphomandra betacea or Solanum betaceum



The tamarillo originally came from the Peruvian Andes. It grows at tropical altitudes but also in frost-free altitudes in temperate zones.



Theoretically, tamarillos are available throughout the year from the countries where they are grown, but they are only rarely, and in very small amounts, sold on the European market.


Appearance, taste, characteristics

Like our tomato and potato, the tamarillo is a member of the Solanum, or nightshade family. It has the shape and size of a chicken egg.


The thin, smooth skin resembles that of the tomato. Depending on the variety, it is dark red or yellow-orange.


The pulp directly beneath the skin is red or yellow and very firm. Towards the middle it becomes jelly-like and contains many dark, edible seeds.


The tart-sweet flavour is also faintly reminiscent of the tomato.



Tamarillos contain considerable amounts of vitamin C and provitamin A, the precursor of vitamin A, and a large amount of potassium.


100 g contain:



Tamarillo, fresh

Energy (kcal)


Water (g)


Protein (g)


Fat (g)


Carbohydrates (g)


Fibre (g)


Vitamin C (mg)


Vitamin A (µg)


Carotene (mg)


Folic acid (µg)


Potassium (mg)


Sodium (mg)


Calcium (mg)


Magnesium (mg)


Iron (mg)




Quality criteria, optimal storage conditions

Tamarillos are harvested shortly before they are fully ripe and are easy to transport. They should be firm and undamaged, have a smooth, intensely coloured, spotless skin and yield slightly to pressure.


Unripe, hard tamarillos are not recommended, as they usually taste bitter.


Tamarillos that are not quite ripe will ripen somewhat further at room temperature. Ripe fruits, packed in a perforated plastic bag, will keep about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.


Form of consumption, use, processing, practical tips for preparation

The slightly bitter-tasting skin of the tamarillo should be removed before the fruit is eaten. To eat it fresh, you can cut it in half and spoon it out. The skin can be thinly peeled and is easy to remove. You may also scald tamarillos briefly with hot water and then peel off the skin.


The fresh pulp tastes good sprinkled with sugar, salt or lemon juice.


Tamarillos can be used in a variety of ways. They can be eaten with sweet or savoury dishes. They taste good in fruit salad, as compote or as jam, seasoned with sugar, cinnamon or vanilla. They also make a good addition to poultry or meat salads, and are suitable as a grilled side dish with meat and spread on bread.


Whole, skinned fruits are processed industrially as preserves.





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