Fruits : Standard groups




Botanical name: Prunus persica




The peach is native to China. As the Greeks and Romans mistakenly believed that the peach stemmed from Persia, they called it Persian fruit. It is grown today in all countries with a warm temperate climate.



Peaches are available from April to November; from June to October they are in abundant supply. In August and September peaches grown in Germany are also sold.


Appearance, taste, characteristics

Peaches have a roundish shape with a more or less marked longitudinal groove. The skin is furry and yellow to orange-red. Smooth-skinned varieties are called nectarines. On the side of the fruit that has been exposed to the sun the red colouring is distinct. The pulp may be yellow, reddish or white. The latter type usually tastes more aromatic. In the middle of the fruit is a stone. Peaches are classified according to criteria such as:


* Skin type
* Ripening season
* Pulp colour
* How easily the stone can be removed from the pulp: With some varieties, generally early ones with white pulp, the stone comes away easily (freestone); with others, generally the late, yellow-pulp varieties, it is difficult (clingstone).


Ripe peaches taste juicy and sweet and are very aromatic.




100 g contain:


Peach, fresh

Peach, tinned

Energy (kcal)



Water (g)



Protein (g)



Fat (g)



Carbohydrates (g)



Fibre (g)



Vitamin C (mg)



Vitamin A (RE) (µg)



Folic acid (µg)



Potassium (mg)



Sodium (mg)



Calcium (mg)



Magnesium (mg)



Iron (mg)



Note: As this is a natural product, and as the information is taken from various sources and therefore from different analyses, there may be fluctuations in the nutritional facts. The minerals in particular may fluctuate, since the plant takes these from the soil, the composition of which itself can vary. Its mineral content is influenced, for instance, by fertilization. The footnotes are explained here.


Quality criteria, optimal storage conditions

In choosing peaches you cannot depend on how they look, because the colour of the fruit gives no information about quality or ripeness. Only a taste test will show whether the peach really tastes good.


Handle peaches you have bought carefully; they are quite sensitive to pressure. It is better not to buy fruits that are bruised or show signs of decay.

Depending on their degree of ripeness, peaches can be kept in the refrigerator for several days.

Peaches almost always come from cold storage. Therefore, you should leave the fruits at room temperature for 1-2 days to allow them to develop their aroma.


Form of consumption, use, processing, practical tips for preparation

Peaches are suitable for eating raw, as a refreshing snack between meals. Wash them thoroughly before eating and remove the stone.

To remove the skin, pour boiling water over the fruits and let them sit briefly. Then rinse them with cold water.


The peach is popular in fruit salad, as compote, jam or cold punch. Peaches are also good for example in cream sauces for turkey schnitzel with curry rice. They are also served as an accompaniment to game, poultry and veal. In addition they are used as a topping for cakes.

Tinned peaches are among the most popular conserved fruits. Peach juice, wine and liqueur are also sold, as are dried peaches. From the oil-containing peach stone persipan is made. The sweet mass that resembles marzipan is used in confectioneries.



Whether the stone is easily removed from the pulp depends not on the ripeness but on the variety. With early varieties the stone always adheres to the pulp; with middle and later varieties this is less often the case.





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