Vegetables : Standard groups
iceberg lettuce
Synonym: crisphead; botanical name: Latuca sativa var. capitata

Iceberg lettuce was first grown in California. It is a particular breed of head lettuce. It has meanwhile become particularly popular in Europe.
It prefers a mild climate and is therefore grown outdoors only in warmer regions (Spain, Italy, France, Israel and southern Germany).
Earlier, when there was no possibility of refrigeration, the lettuce was transported from California to the other states in the USA under many pieces of ice, and this gave it the name iceberg lettuce.
Iceberg lettuce can be bought throughout the year. The supply is greatest from May to October, while domestic produce is available from June to October.
Appearance, taste, characteristics
Yellowish-green leaves form the tightly closed head of lettuce. In contrast to head lettuce, the leaves are firm, fleshy, shiny and thickly veined. There are also red-leaved varieties, however. A further variety is crisp lettuce, which comes from the Netherlands and is characterized by curly outer leaves. It tastes similar to iceberg lettuce piquant and crispy.
The following data are based on a 100-g edible portion:
Fresh iceberg |
Energie (kcal) |
13 |
Wasser (g) |
95 |
Eiweiß (g) |
1 |
Fett (g) |
0,2 |
Kohlenhydrate (g) |
1,6 |
Ballaststoffe (g) |
1,8 |
Vitamin C (mg) |
4 |
Vitamin A (Retinoläquiva.) (µg) |
600 |
Gesamte Folsäure (µg) |
53 |
Kalium (mg) |
160 |
Natrium (mg) |
12 |
Calcium (mg) |
19 |
Magnesium (mg) |
7 |
Eisen (mg) |
0,5 |
Harmful substances
The nitrate content of iceberg lettuce can be very high, up to 4000 mg/kg.
Quality criteria, optimal storage conditions
When you buy iceberg lettuce, make sure that the head is firm and closed. The head of a crisp lettuce is looser, however. The stalk should look fresh. Iceberg lettuce is characterized by its good keeping quality. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, wrapped in cling film. Even partially used heads of iceberg keep well for several days wrapped in film.
Form of consumption, use, processing, practical tips for preparation
Iceberg lettuce is normally eaten raw. The outer leaves and the stalk are discarded, and after the remaining leaves have been washed, they are cut or pulled into bite-sized pieces. There are no limits to further preparation; just follow your imagination. Iceberg lettuce goes well with all sorts of dressings and can be eaten with a piquant sauce as well as sweetened, for example, with fruit. It remains crispy for a long time, even after it has been mixed with a dressing. This makes it good for buffets or picnics. Although it is less common, it is possible to braise Iceberg lettuce or to use it in stews or casseroles.

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