



Botanical name: Articum lappa

Große Klette


Burdock is at home in Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Siberia and North America, as well as in some parts of Asia.

It is a wild plant which is, however, purposely cultivated today in the USA, Japan and Taiwan. In Europe its cultivation is limited to France and Belgium. While burdock used to be important even in Germany as both a food and a medical remedy, it is now forgotten.


The roots are harvested from September to December, the leaves and stems from May to September. They are not processed by the food industry.

Appearance, taste, characteristics

Burdock is a biennial plant with large, rough leaves and a small, ball-shaped head. These small heads, or burs, have small tips with barbs and cling to the coats of animals, thus spreading the seeds.


Burdock contains tannins and mucins, as well as essential oils. Water-soluble mucins have a soothing effect on the mucous membranes, while the water-insoluble mucins have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and regulate the bowel movement.

At approximately 130 mg per 100 g, the vitamin C content of burdock is very high.

The roots contain about 45% inulin and up to 12% protein.

Quality criteria, optimal storage conditions

Well-cooled and in an atmosphere with high humidity, the roots remain fresh for several weeks. If they are stored too long, they become spongy, stringy and rotten.

Presumed effect on health

The roots have a depurative effect (purifying the blood) and are used, prepared as an infusion, for rheumatism and gout.

Form of consumption, use, processing, practical tips for preparation

The leaves and stems of burdock can be used to prepare salads.

The roots can be eaten raw, like black salsify, and go well cooked as an accompaniment to numerous dishes. They can also be baked, roasted and deep-fried.





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